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  • Writer's pictureCheeziFit

Keeping Motivated - Believe you can!

The final run of Week 2 has been accomplished and I must admit I found it tough today.

I struggle when I am cold and the recent drop in temperature hasn’t enticed me to leave the warmth of the radiator and go out into the cold, but tapping into my reserve can of willpower and after donning a nice warm sweatshirt and a hat I was ready to face the elements.

After stretching to warm up, I took myself off determined to keep going and pushed on through, soaking up Sarah’s compliments as she congratulated me each time I completed a section. The final “well done flower” came before I knew it and as always I felt great afterwards and pleased I'd not given in.

Staying motivated is key to this challenge and it is sobering fact that a lot of people start out with good intentions before quitting after a short time so here are a few tips to help keep you on track:

1. Make the time

The main barrier to regular exercise is the perceived lack of time. We all have busy lives and sometimes find it difficult to find time to fit in a work out, however the joy of this programme is that it only takes about 30 minutes, that’s less than 3% of your day, so work out a time that suits you and ensure you give yourself a rest day between runs.

2. Make it fun

If running is not really your thing, make it enjoyable. Set yourself little targets and rewards e.g. play your favourite song when you reach the next landmark or count the amount of magpies you see between walks – something to take your mind off what you are doing and just watch the time fly by.

3. Find a running buddy

See if someone from your support bubble or a friend will run with you. At the time of writing, Government guidelines allow two people to exercise outdoors providing social distancing is maintained. Commit to motivating each other and holding each other accountable. Our CheeziJoggers group is always on hand to offer support and motivation.

4. Don’t make excuses!

We all have “off days” when we are tired or busy or the weather is not ideal however be prepared for those days, acknowledge your feelings then put your big girl/boy pants on and go regardless – you will feel a sense of achievement after and will be glad you stuck to it.

If this has inspired you to start, it’s not too late. Download the official C25K app via the NHS website, click HERE

For further information, please contact us at

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